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7 Essential Tips to Create the Perfect Resume for Freshers!

Create a perfect resume for freshers that will make you stand out of the competition…

Are you a fresher struggling to create the perfect resume to land your first job? You’ve come to the right place!

Crafting the perfect resume for freshers is no easy task. It can be overwhelming to know where to start and what to include.,

Besides, a lot of students think that they do not have enough stuff to create a job winning resume for freshers. However, that is not the case.

Making a resume is like creating a marketing document of your skills. And If you think deeply, you will get a lot of pointers that can be included in your resume.

To save your time, we’ve got you covered with seven essential tips to help you create the perfect resume for freshers. Let’s dive in!

1. Craft a strong professional summary or academic summary

The professional summary is your first chance to make a great impression. This section should be an overview of your skills and experience, and should be tailored to the job you’re applying for.

This the hook that holds the recruiters by the neck and pulls them towards your resume.

So, don’t be humble while writing a professional summary. Put on your “beast mode” and highlight the biggest 3-4 achievements, skills, academic interests that you are confident talking about.

Besides, ensure that you include the core bullets section just below your professional summary. This will help your resume rank well in the Applicant Tracking Systems – the software used by recruiters to filter applicants.

2. Include key sections

Ensure that you include sections like education, experience, and achievements.

Surprised on the experience part?

Well you can include the following in your experience section

  • Projects
  • Voluntary works
  • Industrial Internships
  • Leadership Positions ( clubs, fund-raisers etc)

This can help you demonstrate your experience and show the employer how you can contribute to their organization.

3. Use keywords from the job description

When you read the job description, make a list of the key words and phrases used in the description.

Now, use those key words and phrases throughout your resume, especially in the summary and experience sections. This will help you rank well with the ATS and also show the employer that you’re familiar with the job requirements.

4. Use a single page format for your resume for freshers

Keep your resume to one page. Recruiters and hiring managers often don’t have a lot of time. So, keep only the relevant parts matching the requirements ( as per the JD) and remove the others. Remember, its a marketing brochure and needs to be short like a great pamphlet.

5. Don’t make generic statements

Avoid making generic statements like “hardworking” or “detail-oriented”.

Instead, focus on specific examples of how you used those traits in your experience. Include the following:

  • Numbers and metrics of growth, % change, funds-raised, etc
  • Certifications, awards, and accomplishments
  • Comparisons with peers to provide another perspective to your recruiter

Lets compare these two statements

Statement A:

Commerce student aspiring for an account management responsibility at a top organization.

Statement B:

Commerce student with internship experience in checking financial statements, taxation, and supporting company’s clients. Accounting in-charge for college club activities, and internal projects. Special interest in financial statement analysis, valuation, and taxation.

Which one of these you think will rank better?

6. Craft your “perfect story” using the C-A-R framework

For any bullet, write the Challenge faced, Actions taken to resolve it, and the Results obtained in terms of concrete numbers, growth figures, recognition received, etc.

7. Don’t include personal information

Your resume should not include any personal information like your age, marital status, or religion. This information is not relevant to the job and many companies see it as discriminatory.

Creating the perfect resume for freshers and getting success in interviews doesn’t have to be difficult. By following these seven essential tips, you can create a resume that stands out from the crowd and gives the employer a great first impression.

Let us know in the comments if you have any questions that we can help you with.

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