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How to become friends with your wife

Marriage is a big commitment and it’s important to build a strong bond with your spouse. 

But have you ever considered making your wife your best friend? 

If not , it is time you should start doing so.

Not only does it help you both grow together as a couple, but it also has many amazing benefits for both of you. 

Here are a few reasons why couples should become friends and the advantages of finding your best friend in your wife. 

Why should couples become friends 

You get all the benefits that you get with your friends when you become a best friend with your partner. 

1. Better Decisions

It’s important for couples to make decisions together in order to make sure that both partners are happy. Working together as a team allows you to make better decisions since you both have more insight on the situation. 

2. More fun in life

When you become friends with your wife, life is a lot more fun. You can do things together like going out for dinner, watching a movie, or even just having a nice conversation about topics that matter to both. 

3. Compatibility

You learn a lot about each other’s interests and preferences when your relationship is that of a friend. This helps you build a stronger bond as well as speeds up a lot of decisions in life since you know each other so well. 

4. Mutual Growth

Being friends with your wife can also help you both grow as individuals. You can learn new things together and help each other become the best versions of yourselves. 

Advantages of finding your best friend in your wife 

1. Transparency and Sharing

Having trust in a relationship is key, and being friends with your wife allows you to be completely transparent with no secrets. You can share your thoughts, feelings, and ideas without worry. She will not judge her best friend. 

You become more confident in your decisions because you would never be alone in any situation. 

2. Dependability

Having a best friend in your wife also means that you can rely on her for anything. Whether it’s emotional support, advice, or just a listening ear, she’ll be there for you. 

3. Fun and Happiness

Friends are meant to have fun, and your wife should be no exception. You can do all sorts of fun activities together and share in the enjoyment. 

help your wife in her career

Tips for improving your husband wife relationship to friendship

1. Be her best career guide

Help your better half achieve her dreams. Sounds very simple, though, most of the working partners do not commit enough time to help their other halves. Encouraging her to pursue her professional goals is important and can help you both become closer. Helping your spouse in her dreams will build a strong bond of trust and dependability between both of you. 

2. Be Transparent

Do not hide anything from your partner – Being honest with your wife is essential. She will appreciate your honesty and be willing to help you in any way she can. 

3. Make all major decisions together

Making decisions as a team is a great way to make sure that both partners are happy. Also, it helps you take stronger risks and earn rewards together. On the other hand, you will never feel alone or left out when something does not work out as it was your mutual decision. 

4. Treat your partner as your equal

Respect your wife and treat her as your equal in all aspects of your marriage. While many of us think we already do so, it may not be the case. Equality should be reflected in every part of your life. 

For example, if you are taking all financial decisions yourself ( even if you think that it will speed up the process) , think again. You must involve your wife in such decisions . She must feel confident in financial matters so she can handle any situation in case you are not available. This will also remove dependency on you from these maters. 

5. Share the household chores with your wife

Doing chores together can be a great way to bond and can help with communication. Also, it is the biggest reflection of your thoughts on equality. While division of work helps expedite the work, the division should be done across domains. 

For instance, you can do some of the household work daily, so your partner gets freedom to improve her professional skills. 

6. Enjoy every moment with her

Don’t let the day to day grind of life get in the way of spending quality time with your wife. Enjoy dinners, watch movies occasionally, go for long drives just as you would behave with a friend. 

7. Help each other learn more skills

Learning new things together is a great way to stay connected and explore new interests. Couples must have a learning relation between them. This helps both of you expand your interests and skill sets. 

8. Do not hesitate to learn from her what she knows better

Ask your wife for advice and listen to her opinion sincerely. 

I have learnt a lot about the HR domain from my wife since she specializes in that domain. Besides, she taught me to make wonderful chapatis. 

9. Appreciate her

Be sure to show your wife how much you appreciate her by thanking her for her support. The best relations are those in which couples regularly appreciate each other. 

10. Thank her for her support

Show your appreciation for her help by expressing your gratitude. Thankfulness spreads. 

It will help you improve overall energy in your relationship. 

When couples make their partners their best friends, it helps them build stronger relationships, enjoy life more, and make better decisions.

If you want to take your relationship to the next level, then start by becoming friends with your wife. With a little effort and understanding, you can make your wife your best friend and make your marriage rewarding. 

What do you think? Let me know in the comments. 

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